Looking back
Preparing for a board meeting on Monday evening, I was asked to ready the main numbers of 2005:
6 transports
2 trips for training
1 trip to Hungary ended in Switzerland when I had an automobile accident (see this blog - September)
2 months in the US - home assignemt
5 mission conferences in Germany and one week as guest lecturer in Austria
Yesterday I was able to put a team together for a mission trip to ROMANIA in March. Now I have to work on an itinerary - as I have more people to see than time to see them (the old challenge!).
Thus far for the new year:
20 - annual mission meeting of Regio Rumaenienhilfe
21 - 28: annual training seminar with friend Thomas Jettel in Romania
1 transport to Romania for two Christan book stores kind of tailored like "Barnes & Noble" = books & café
1 transport for various groups in Romania - we hope this transport will be in the country before we are.
2 - 17 : mission trip to Romania
one transport to Latvia
mission trip to Romania with an evangelism team
June - October
definite plans not in place yet.
Will have my niece Hannah Kaiser as intern as well as young Phillip Thornton (North Carolina) as helper.
We have a lot of cleaning up, fixin and (as the LORD provides funds) - transportation.
We are praying about the option of sending both to fellow missionary Robert & Jody Frye to Romania to help with youth camp work for four weeks.
annual German Mission Conference in Bad Salzuflen
annual Bible Conference near Nuernberg
annual Novembertrip: training seminar in Hungary; training seminar for gypsies and annual German Bible Conference in Sibiu
2 transports (Latvia & Romania)
All this: "If still live and the LORD tarries ... "
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