
Saturday, December 17, 2005

gearing up to new transports

The last two weeks were slave weeks! The two collection points netted close to 20'000 pounds, and I have quite a bit of furniture that needs packing.

A friend from Romania asked me to help a church near Linz, Austria, that was putting a truck together. They were shy of 10'000 poinds.
I told them I would deliver. What often happens in these cases is that on final notice someone will come through with high volume. THis is what happened here near Linz. Now they have about 8000 pounds they are hoping I could come and pick up. But we are talking 1200 miles round trip - and our ware-house is bursting at the seams now!

After a number of emails back and forth we decided the most efficient solution is that we order a truck for their mission/local church in Harghita, Romania. This church is ministering to flood victims. The needs are staggering!

As of today I have the following request:
1 x 18-wheeler (we call them 40 ton trucks) for Onesti (flood victims)
1 x 18 wheeler for a transport of everything you need to start a book store for Targoviste, where a Christian books store and meeting point is to be errected. Available left over space will be filled with house-hold items, clothing etc.
1x 18 wheeler for Harghita (flood victims)
1x 18 wheller for Sibiu area also loaded for a Bible school in northern Romania (furniture, matresses)

Then Onesti and Harghita would each appreciate 2 more 19 wheeler!

My problem?
Money? We have enough to send three trucks at this time.
Material? - We have enough to send the three trucks we can pay for at this time.
Machine - YES: I am having a real problem finding transportation!

All I can ask for is PRAYER as we are scanning the market for transportation.

I am not the only person with transportation problems!
A friend of mine found a orange grove in southern Italy that wholesells large quantities of "natural oranges" at cut rate prices.
Every year he ships them up to Austria, Switzerland and Germany where they are mostly sold through local churches on a "order and buy" basis.
The profit goes to a Christian radio station and mission that is effecitvely reaching many in mafia infested areas with the Gospel of Christ!
Now - even he is having the time of his life scrounging around for transportation of his oranges.

All the same, I want to stay away of buying my own trucks, as we would need an extra 20'000 $ annually to keep a "big one" on the road!

This way - we squeeze in the ware-house, comfort those waiting on the receiving end, and jump as soon as we can get our hands on a rig!


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