Asphalt miracles

I guess that dealing with constant set-backs is the heart of our commission. It is the sick that need the doctor, the weak that need someone to lean on, those caught in peril in need of some form of rescue.
Today my Romanian transport company informed me, that the will not be able to have a truck here on Monday to load on Tuesday.
There was a holiday in Tschechoslovakia on Friday, so the truck had to stand. It could have taken the route via Austria. Even that would not have solved the problem, for it turned out, that the company that is waiting for the delivery from Romania will be taking off from Friday afternoon till Wednesday. Monday is a holiday in northern Germany and Tuesday is a Catholic holiday in our and four other states.
So transportation sensitive operations end up on the back burnern.
Now, if I were not leaving on Wednesday for our annual tour of Romania (2 teaching seminars, 1 Bible conference and about 6 meetings) - we could have the truck in on Thursday or Friday.
This means, that we will have to postpone everything till the end of November or even December when I return from Romania.
By then the sunny warm weather will be over, making everything more difficult - but so be it!
Sometimes we just have to learn to rest in the LORD's timing and planing!
But we never are allowed to doubt HIS wisdom!
HE has ways and means to allow things to grow and bloom, even in adverse circumstance.
Just like in the picture of the flowers that are growing right in our street.
If you would try to immitate - you would never achieve such glory - because flowers are not meant to grow in asphalt - especially a road regularly travelled by all sorts of motor vehicles!
So learn to leave things to HIM, who is never amiss of how to make things happen - even if it has to grow through the asphalt of adversion, difficulty, setback!
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