one down - another to go

On the left you see the truck fully loaded after a record 6 hours. On the right you see our flexible truck bed. It takes four of them to load one big one.
I have not heard anything from the receiving end yet, which usually means: No news is good news!
All the same we are gearing up for November 1st, when we expect this truck (or a another similar truck from this company) to resurface for the next load.
I was asked to send the next load soon, as these loads are going to flood victims.
The pastor of the church is quite anxious to cause as little dissapointment as possible by providing everyone he is targeting to receive assistance with at least a small quanity as a sign of shared concern.
I was invited to attend the 20th aniversary of a church I preach in regularly. I shared the pulpit with four other bretheren. I greatly enjoyed how each worked out an asepect of the 3rd epistle of John - without any prior coordination effort!
I also greatly enjoyed meeting new folks that I had heard about for some time now personally!
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