from "draught" to "flood"
Snow and early dusk plus low temperatures was part of the challenge in loading this truck yesterday (Dez. 27).

We only had 24 hours to gear up to loading this truck. Fortunately I had most of the permits on hand. But we "lost" 2 computers trying to get the paper work done! This truck was loaded on Dec. 24th.

How often have I mentioned our prayer need for transportation of aid?
Our ware-house was getting pretty much to maximum capacity - with a high volume of donations coming in. But here it was stuck due to a critical shortage of trucks.
In Romania, the average monthly wage is anywhere from 200 - 300 US Dollars. Therefore many west European countries are investing in factories and "sweat shops" in Romania. They send the raw materials or parts to Romania where they are assembled or manufactured and then returned to Germany for quality control and marketing.
This has led to a shortage in transportation, as these companies guaranty loads going and coming. Also, there is little problems with customs, as the weekly loads in both directions are rather similar.
But at Christmas, this otherwise well greased pendula got out of synch, so a good number of Romanian trucks were grounded as there was no return load to Romania.
SO we ordered the first truck which arrived on December 24th (!!).
As the 24th is the day of church services and pagents, most folks told me they would not be able to come and help load. All the same, the LORD burdened 13 men to show, one even came directly from night shift to be the main loading man!!
We did run into a serious snag, though! Our ware-house computer (notebook) decided to die. Fortunately the battery held long enough to secure the data-base. I took the machine to the shop today, but the bad news is: the thing is beyond repair (unless I am willing to fork over 900$).
I have a back-up computer we use for various ministries - and it "died" as well. Again we were able to save the data-base a second time, before the "lights went out". Fortunately the computer itself is ok, I had to buy a replacement for the power supply.
To get the truck packed and proper paper work accomplished, I drove home and fetched my private computer - and we were able to send the truck off at 5 PM.
As this company was not able to obtain an Austrian permit, the driver has to return via Poland - Ukraine - Romania!
A half hour after faxing the contract to the first company, the company we usually work with informed me that they had 2 trucks "grounded". I could only load one.
It came on Tuesday at about 2 PM. Again the LORD provided us with 10 helpers, but also allowed a snow storm.
All the same, the truck was loaded at 6 PM - and by the time the paper work finally came through the printer, the truck could leave at 9 PM.
I was kind of amazed at the fact, that the LORD allowed us to sit on all that stuff for three months! The way things turned out, both loads will be delivered right in the middle of two flood devastated areas.
Both churches have planned an outreach to the most needy in the community.
Last week, our German partner mission, Evangeliumsmission, donated about one ton of Romanian childrens bibles and evangelistic calenders.
So, we are a little worn out - but deeply satisfied that these trucks will be in the country before the Romanian Christmas, which is in the first week of January.
Again - thank-you for your prayers!