R 121
Yesterday we filled yet another truck for Romania. I forgot to take my camera - which I regretted.
This was Romania sortie number 121 (since 1990).
Our "silver league" (men over 60) came to load - and did a swift and professional job. NEVER underestimate the drive of senior citicens!
Timo (16) was the only younger member of our team - except the truck driver.
Even though loading went swift, he became very impatient, and tried to manouver this truck around mine - totally uneccessary! He oversaw a bolder protecting a hydrant - and sprung a hole in his 200 gallon gas tank!
So - we wasted about as much time fixing this problem as we neeed to load the truck!
All the same, ever since Romania has joined the European Community, the request from churches and mission groups for aid has at least doubled, even tripled!
So - y'all keep up the prayers for a full time ware-house person to replace "uncle Mark" - as he cannot pull that off!
More about the fine folks on the receiving end later.
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