
Friday, August 19, 2005

the over all view

Wednesday saw me in the truck with Clark, a young fellow from Evansville, Ind - willing to sweat it out at Uncle Mark's Fitness Club (ware-house).
We also spent most of Thursday togehter in packing and wrapping up what we had gathered on out pick-up run on Wednesday.

I am still waiting for the trucking company to give me a positive reply if they want the September 9th load.

A bunch of furniture was delivered to the ware-house today during my absence. Now I have to find enough help to wrap it up, weigh & register and then store in a container.

The upcoming trip will be "R 103".
R 104 to a church in Targoviste I hope to get on the road in the first half of October.
R 105 is a trip to Romania myself for study purposes plus one Bible conference.

Latvia 08 should happen in December. This trip is important to us the deliver all the toys, used shoes, underwear and baby clothing that we have gathered since the last transport to Latvia, which was 19th February of this year.

If I can find enough help for all the work necessary, we might be able to squeeze in another truck for Romanina in December.

So do pray with us - and should you live in the nearer vacinity of Kandern - welcome!


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