
Monday, July 25, 2005

so many owe so much to so few!

On Saturday a young couple brought their 2 children (3 and 7 years old) to the ware-house. Another lady from their church joined them. They drove about 85 miles to get here, which was 10:00 am. They helped pack till 6:00 PM. As the brother is an electrician, he was able to do some repairs. This saved me 2 hours of having to hire an electrician to come out - and here in Germany that means I saved around 250 US $ !!.

Inspite of being such a small group, they packed 225 boxes. 25 of those boxes are house-hold items. This means: Every iten (spoons, forks, plates, etc. ) have to be counted, weighed individually, written up individually, and then the box has to be weiged and that figure needs to be recorded as well!

Never underestimate what small numbers can do if their hearts are in it!!!

I am now in the process of building up communication with the fellow responsible for navigating this load through customs. Up to now, everything is worked through Kathrin, wo got this ball rolling, and is coordinating the various steps - obviously serving as translator simultaniously.


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